Thursday, September 09, 2004


I'm absolutely LIVID at the John Kerry campaign...

For starters...originally, I supported Dean, because of his fire, and then Clark, because I thought that he had the most realistic chance of winning...I REALLY supported these candidate...I donated money to them, I went to meetups, I actively canvased for them, I was "fired up"!

Kerry was not one of my top picks for one reason, and one reason only...the Iraq War vote. He voted for it, it was political, he was hedging his bets, and he was wrong!

Now, as all the evidence comes out that this was a horrible dangerous move that puts the US at more risk then it ever was before...

Kerry is STUPID and says that he would have still supported the Iraq War Resolution...and to clarify even further an aide said that Kerry probably would have gone into Iraq anyways...

Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK!! This one sentence deflated the campaign...because his base, which was just warming up to him because of the Iraq war vote could NOT actively participate in a campaign that thinks that...I can not be excited about his campaign when he says this stuff...and the polls turned right on that very remark!

And, now he has gone further, now he says that 1000 people died bravely sacrificed for the "war on terror"...NO THEY DIDN'T!! They sacrificed for a war for nothing...a militaristic plan to somehow force Iraq to be a democracy, which would be laughable if it wasn't taking place in real time...with real people dying!!

I called Kerry's headquarters today, my voice was shaking, I was so angry...I don't understand how someone who was so brave during Vietnam, both in combat, and afterwards, to stand up to those inthe government...could be such a COWARD now!!

Throw away your advisers Kerry, bring back that young man who was so strong and brave...we need him to take this country back from this bunch that is in control now and doing so much damage!!

We don't need a politician, we need a warrior, and until you become one, you will be guaranteed to lose!!


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