Saturday, September 11, 2004

Whatever happened to Accountability?

There is only one word that needs to be spoken during this election year...ACCOUNTABILITY!!

During the Clinton years, he was throughly accountable for everything he did and many things that he didn't do...from Troopergate, Vince Foster, WhiteWater, Paula JOnes, Monica Lewinsky, to the war in Somalia...the economy and surpluses were things that the right wingers really didn't want to give him credit for, but most people did...a president must take accountability for everything that happens or doesnt happen during his watch...

The striking difference between that and Bush is that Bush is not accountable for anything that happens on his watch...nothing...

Iraq...we launched a pre-emptive strike on Iraq because we said that they were a direct threat to us, but they weren't...where is the accountability?
Bush claimed that Iraq had WMDs...but they didn't...where is the accountability?
More than 1,000 American troops have died for reasons that were lies...where is the accountability?
Even Generals on the ground (even General Myers!) have said that the attacks by insurgents have increased to around 160 per day (at the beginning of the year, it was only 20 per day)...Bush fired the generals who initially spoke out against the small number of troops at the beginning of it...where is the accountability?

9/11...Clarke has been outspoken that AlQuida wasnt a priority, even though Clinton advised that it needed to be...where is the accountability?
The 9/11 commission has said that there were warnings...during Clinton and Bush...they should both be responsible, and I heard the right wing radio monsters spewing how responsible Clinton should be...but what about Bush...where is the accountability?

Afghanistan...the Taliban and AlQuida has taken control of many territories in Afghanistan...many experts think that it is because of the resources that went to Iraq for a war that didn't nee to be waged, and certainly didn't need to be waged now...where is the accountability?

Economy...we were running record surpluses in 2000, so much so that Bush argued that we had to give money we have record deficits of almost $500 billion dollars...where is the accountability?
During the Bush administration's 3.5 years, we have lost more than 1 million jobs total...where is the accountability?

Social Security...during 2000, we were talking about putting Social Security in a "lock box"...and most economists thought that we would be able to properly fund S/, we have Alan Greenspan saying that we will probably need to cut benefits because we can't afford it...4 years ago, he was saying that we had too much money...what happened...where is the accountability?

More than 70% of people, and nearly all police officers wanted the Assault Weapons Ban renewed...Bush promised that he would renew it when it came to his desk...House Republicans wont take it to a vote and Bush isn't saying a word about it...police say that it will endanger them and us...where is the accountability?

I could go on and on and on...from Prescription Drugs to the war on terror...from his young adulthood to his presidency, George W. Bush has not been accountable for ANYTHING!!

We need to hold him accountable...this is OUR country...we are not better off than we were 3.5 years ago, and George W. Bush is the reason...we MUST hold him accountable...

This election isn't about how much John Kerry bled 35 years ago on a boat in the middle of Vietnam...and for that matter, it isn't about what Bush did or didn't do in the TANG...this election is about the choices that have been made over the last 3.5 years...what has been the result of those choices, and if they were the right choices...


Friday, September 10, 2004

Why does 30 years ago matter?

Over and over, I keep repeating...why does 30 years ago matter? And, I never get a good answer...

The only thing that I've come up with is that its a very lazy media that want to play and repeat, and not take the time for I think that its basically that Kerry's campaign managers were crappy in handling the Swift Boat Liars, they basically ignored everything and let the claims run wild for 3 weeks...

and so they just want to get back at Bush for something that he did 30 years ago...well, one thing about the Republicans is that they are a LOT quicker politically, and more organized than the democrats...after 12 hours, that claim was put to rest...

On democratic boards, I always openly claimed that it doesn't matter...Bush has been President for 4 years, so at this point, people dont care...and I WAS RIGHT!! AND, now to top it off, the Republicans have called into question the documents that were used...this always was a no win for the Kerry campaign, and now even more so...STUPID!!

The ONLY way to run against this President is to run on his absolute FAILURE over the last three and a half years...what has not been a failure?

1. Number 1 has to be this war in Iraq. Ummm...WMDs? Connection to AlQuida? Greeted with flowers? Umm...still waiting...WHY AM I NOT HEARING ABOUT THIS EVERY DAY!!
chaos is beyond even my imagination...more than 1000 American troops have DIED for a LIE...I don't give a shit about the "actual reasons"...the STATED reasons were LIES!! LIES!! Is this a Howard Dean scream through typing...GOOD, that certainly got enough damn attention maybe this will!! 1,000 people have died, and its just getting worse...when this was going on, besides Kerry's absolutely idiotic statement that they died for the "war on terror"...the Bush campaign continually reminded us that it was a small sacrifice considering that 3000 people died in the World Trade Center, I ask you...will we actually hear the US media doing REAL investigative journalism into these LIES! when the number of American who die reaches 3,000? From all accounts, it is getting much worse there, insurgents have taken over a number of cities, and its unclear if we can get these areas back, because we have lost the chance at hearts and minds.
When is the right time to actually wake up to this?!?!

2. The war on terrorism is FAILING...BECAUSE the war on terrorism has morphed into a war in Iraq that has almost no support in the world...we have alienated allies, we have pissed off freinds, and we have taken the resources that we were using to fight the war on terrorism (ummm, that would be know, the fundamentalists, ummm...they were in Afghanistan!!) to be used in a war against Iraq that didn't need to be fought, it was a war of choice!! 2003 terrorism stats were UP...we are not safer...AlQuida has gone from being a group of extremists, to gaining credibility throughout the middle you see the problem here? The war on terrorism is a war for minds...and through OUR (Bush's) misguided policies...we are LOSING the war for the minds of the middle disregarding all other nations when going into Iraq, it made AlQuida stronger...not weaker...this is not a war that can be won with bombs...its not!!

3. We had record surpluses in 2000, surpluses for as far as the eye could see...well, we carelessly gave back more than we could afford, and now we have record deficits...think about it like a credit card...we are running up a huge debt, and YOUR CHILDREN and grandchildren will have to pay it back...and economically, it puts the US in a much weaker pay your debt...not your children...

4. Social Security...four years ago, I believed that S/S would be around when I everyone from Greenspan on down is trying to make us accept that its not going to be what we were promised...because we dont have the funds...ummm...we did four years ago!??!!?

5. The poor are getting poorer, the rich are getting richer...everyone should benefit equally when the RIGHT policies are in place...a strong middle class is necessary for a strong democracy...and right now, we all should be pulling for a stronger democracy...but we are doing the opposite...many people are now rooting for the big corporations over the people...defending CEOs getting 500 times what their employees make while in the same breath saying that there shouldn't be a minimum wage...this is so back and white and up is down...left is right and right is wrong!!

Ok, I'll end it there...we have a Cat. 5 hurricane coming right at us, and Cat. 2 150 miles away nearly killed our house...gee...can I just say, I like that my TAX MONEY goes to FEMA...yea, I'm very happy that the government is there for me...

The democrats should be running on the present...they need to be running on the present...I desperately need them to straighten out this crazy world that we have become...

Thursday, September 09, 2004


I'm absolutely LIVID at the John Kerry campaign...

For starters...originally, I supported Dean, because of his fire, and then Clark, because I thought that he had the most realistic chance of winning...I REALLY supported these candidate...I donated money to them, I went to meetups, I actively canvased for them, I was "fired up"!

Kerry was not one of my top picks for one reason, and one reason only...the Iraq War vote. He voted for it, it was political, he was hedging his bets, and he was wrong!

Now, as all the evidence comes out that this was a horrible dangerous move that puts the US at more risk then it ever was before...

Kerry is STUPID and says that he would have still supported the Iraq War Resolution...and to clarify even further an aide said that Kerry probably would have gone into Iraq anyways...

Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK!! This one sentence deflated the campaign...because his base, which was just warming up to him because of the Iraq war vote could NOT actively participate in a campaign that thinks that...I can not be excited about his campaign when he says this stuff...and the polls turned right on that very remark!

And, now he has gone further, now he says that 1000 people died bravely sacrificed for the "war on terror"...NO THEY DIDN'T!! They sacrificed for a war for nothing...a militaristic plan to somehow force Iraq to be a democracy, which would be laughable if it wasn't taking place in real time...with real people dying!!

I called Kerry's headquarters today, my voice was shaking, I was so angry...I don't understand how someone who was so brave during Vietnam, both in combat, and afterwards, to stand up to those inthe government...could be such a COWARD now!!

Throw away your advisers Kerry, bring back that young man who was so strong and brave...we need him to take this country back from this bunch that is in control now and doing so much damage!!

We don't need a politician, we need a warrior, and until you become one, you will be guaranteed to lose!!